Blushing Philodendron: Ultimate Care Guide for Vibrant Foliage

Blush Philodendron

In this blog post, you’re going to learn how to easily propagate and care for Blushing Philodendron.

This is a comprehensive guide covering reliable information about different aspects of this cultivated variety.

In this post, I’ll cover:

Interesting Facts

Solutions to Common Problems
So, if you are looking to propagate and care for Blushing Philodendron, this guide is for you.

Fun Facts

Common NameBlushing philodendron, red-leaf philodendron, imperial red philodendron
Botanical NamePhilodendron erubescens “Blushing”
Plant TypePerennials
FruitSmall berry like (no common)
Mature Size2-60 ft. heigh, 16 in. wide
Sun ExposureBright and indirect light
Soil TypeMoist but well drained
Soil pHNeutral to slightly acidic
Native AreaCentral and South America
ToxicToxic to both human and pets both

The Blushing Philodendron is a trendy and quite beautiful house plant. It is very similar to other specimens of the philodendrons in the Araceae family. It has large, heart-shaped leaves whose colors would change as they grow. Its colors, ranging from deep green to reddish, include anthocyanins and chlorophyll in the plant. 

This plant also prefers to be grown indoors since it requires very little care and is a best air-purifying plant. Its growth pattern is trailing, making it suitable for many interior environments. The Blushing Philodendron is easy to maintain and best for a classy house. 

Its growth period depends on parameters such as light, temperature, and humidity. It usually demonstrates the fastest activity in the spring and summer and lesser activity in the fall and winter.

Flowers and Fruiting in Blushing Philodendron

It does not go for flowering in the indoor environment. But, in an outdoor natural environment, the spathe and spadix appear, leading to the formation of small berry-like fruits. These fruiting structures cause the dispersal of seeds, resulting in natural propagation.


Beyond the aesthetic appeal, blushing philodendrons have the following benefits;

Aesthetic Appeal

The blushing Philodendron is famed for the beautiful color of its leaves. The ornamental leaves resemble the shape of a heart and change from dark green to a reddish shade, making them a preferred element for indoor decorations.

Air Purification

Like all the philodendron varieties, Blushing Philodendron is outstanding in purifying the air in your house. It assists in clearing typical household pollutants with chemicals like formaldehyde and benzene. Ultimately, it promotes the quality of air in the home. 

Low Maintenance

The Blushing Philodendron can grow in a style of the growth regulation technique. It can be grown to trail in hanging baskets or trained to climb structures. This characteristic makes it a preferred item for indoor gardening. 

Natural Humidifier

It prefers moderate household humidity levels, but it can adapt to higher humidity levels. This allows it to be properly fitted in areas such as washrooms or kitchens.

The Blushing Philodendron, in this case, assists in enhancing room humidity by evaporating water from the air through transpiration. This has positive effects on our skin and respiratory organs.

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